Cerro Tanaro Town Hall

Address: Piazza della Libertà, 1, 14030 Cerro Tanaro AT, Italia
Tel: 0141 409114
Fax: 0141 409002
Email: protocollo@comune.cerrotanaro.at.it
Email: protocollo.cerro.tanaro@cert.ruparpiemonte.it

In Piazza Libertà, stands the Municipal Palace (once also home to elementary schools) built in the mid-20th century, which houses municipal offices and the headquarters of the Comunità collinare Via Fulvia and the "Maria Immacolata" kindergarten.


Wikipedia, l'enciclopedia libera.

Centro Interuniversitario di Storia Territoriale "G.Casalis"

See also...

• Events in Cerro Tanaro

• Cerro Tanaro tourist guide

• Municipium, the App of your Municipality

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